
Thursday, May 7, 2009

Should I Go In????

Since this is my first blog, I'll refrain from going in. I'll just take this time to introduce myself, my beliefs, my moniker, and my purpose to the e-world.

Anyone can blog and I am no different. My opinion is just that, MINE. You don't have to agree but I do enjoy the feedback. With the use of popular
social networking sites we ||e-goers|| have been given the opportunity to express ourselves in a way our parents and grandparents never thought of. Who would ever think that we would do the majority of our communicating without even having to open our mouths? With just a few clicks of the mouse, presses of fingertips to keyboard, copy and paste and VOILA! We have just shared our innermost secrets and thoughts with the entire free world. LOL. Most of us have our own particular e-vice-Facebook , Myspace , Twitter , Tagged ,BlackPlanet (really?) etc. But many of us spread our time equally amonst many sites. These sites have given us a personal soapbox to stand on. And, dammit, I have something to say too =)

I will use this blog to share some of my random thoughts, some of which I am sure you may nod your head to. Some of which you may vehemently disagree. Good, bad or indifferent you will feel something. I will attempt to evoke some sort of emotion from you. I may even intentionally push your buttons. I just want people to think differently, not necessarily like me, but out of the conventional box they normally operate in.

I have layers. Some soft and pink, like your average girly girl. Most a little more rough around the edges, saying things that you may not want to hear/read. And you don’t have to. This is MY blog. HEHEHEHHEHEHEH….

I have created little blurbs about myself for different notes and sites and below you find the compilation of those, for you to learn more about me.

About Me

I have an alter ego that wears her fitted real low or tipped atop her head. She’s a real jordans and jeans kinda girl, talks real slick, drives real fast, and lights the fire in me. She walks to a beat that no one else can hear. She is smart, respected, admired, and often emulated. She has a quiet confidence that people notice and commands attention. She is the light you see in my eyes, the pep in my step, and the driving force in my actions. She is Sassy McSassington . She is me and I am her. (YEAH, I got that name from someone else, but its oh so perfect, so I stole it!)

  • Music: I have an eclectic taste in music...I will listen to anything once but I need a chance to absorb i
  • I love movies! Especially corny coming of age teen But I watch serious ones too! :)
  • TV: I can watch reality tv and music videos all damn day...DONT JUDGE ME! lol
  • Im an avid reader, mostly because I love words. The more words I learn, the easier I can verbally assassinate someone ;)
  • I just started learning chess...every Friday night I hang out with the oldies at the Y for a few...sounds corny but they BE knowing stuff!! ha!
  • To live life how it exists in my dreams...
  • I'm so random, but within the random ramblings you'll find gems of wisdom. I listen as much, if not more, than I talk. I'm not your average chick, because there is nothing about me that is average/mediocre/just cutting it. Don't try, DO. Easily amused but rarely impressed. I love who I was, who I am, and who I am becoming. I KNOW there is a God, because I am far to blessed too believe otherwise.

I am a college educated, funny-often sarcastic, woman who is very involved with my sorority and will give her last to her friends and family. I am open to a lot of different things ( I do have boundaries! lol) and enjoy being out and about as much as chilling in the house, cooking dinner and watching a movie. I am a no-nonsense kind of gal, I say what I mean and mean what I say. I have no time for dishonesty and games because life is just too short to waste time on people who don’t have your best interests at heart. I play hard, but work harder. I have no interest in what a person can do for me, because I don’t expect anyone to do anything for me that I wouldn’t/couldn’t do for myself. I am a sneaker head and have plans to open my own sneaker chain in the future. Sneakers are a passion of mine and I often see people from the feet up and not the other way around-I know, Im kind of a fanatic *smile*. I am old-fashioned in the sense that I like a man to do “man” things-take out the trash, hold doors, help me out of the car, let his woman “cater to him”…

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