1. I am composing theses random things after reading someone else's...I dug it, so I'm doing it.
2.I am doing this from my phone. Which I will then beam to my laptop. Not because I'm a nerd, but because I like tech toys.
3. Contrary to popular happenings, I PREFER human interaction to text, email, social networking etc...when did we stop talking to people face to face anyway??
4. No disrespect to all the Ashinkashanks of the world, but I appreciate the fact that my name is simple and can be pronounced by anyone who speaks the King's English.
5. *ahem* My name is Dawn M. Wilson, and I am an E-stalker. {bows head in shame} lol
6. I have used my middle initial since the 7th grade because there was another Dawn Wilson who was not as intellectually inclined as I and almost had me in summer school in her place. Oddly enough, her middle initial is M too.
7. LOL is way overused. I think its time we replace it.
8. I am a word enthusiast. I get Webster's & Merriam's word of the day just so I can work a new word into my lexicon.
9. I'm a voracious reader. Mostly fiction but I dabble in a little of everything because I like to know stuff.
10. When I was little, people used to ask me what I wanted to do when I got older and I would reply "I wanna know everything." Not omnipotent like God, but that there wouldn't be a question that I couldn't answer. Of course, I don't know everything, but what I do know, I know unequivocally.
11. Confidence not bravado, is sexy to me in a man. I am attracted to intelligent men with street and business acumen. I love nice strong arms, beautiful smile, amazing conversation and a dude that can make me laugh out loud, literally.
12. I love to laugh. A good belly laugh, a quiet chuckle, something that brings tears to my eyes etc...Most people make smile, but not many can make me laugh.
13. Since I love to laugh I got jokes for days!
14. Upon first impression most people think one of two things about me a) I am evil or b) I am goofy/silly as ever. I'm actually one of the coolest people you may never really know-giving, fun, honest, lovable, loyal, true to myself, tough on the outside, but really a big softie
15. I LOVE SNEAKERS!! Like, I really do. If it was acceptable, I would walk around nekkid with a hot pair of kicks on. So sincere, so sincere
16. Two big dreams that I hope to accomplish are
1) to open my retail sneaker chain. Boutique style with all the hotness.
2) Use some of the profits to fund my non-profit for young women to provide uplift, mentors, and support. While I do believe that there are more positive role models for young women than men, these young girls are so lost and don't know their true worth. There is a wealth of untapped potential in our young people, all they need is a lot of love and a little support.
17. I used to speed. Not like a few miles over the limit, but 40+ miles over the limit. I got 7 points, I slowed down. But I still get excited when I see somebody fly past me on the Turnpike or the Parkway(<----IM SO NEW JERSEY!!!!!) and live vicariously through them. Until they get pulled over.
18. I am writing my first novel. It is a work of fiction. My second book, will be based on uplift and empowerment.
19. I am really big on semantics. Spelling, grammar, speech, word order, words in context, punctuation, your vs. you're, there vs. their, here vs. hear etc...even in emails and text messages...I can't help it.
20. I often over-think things. It is an unhealthy habit that I am working on that makes me seem defensive, when in actuality, it is my attempt at being a step ahead of everyone all the time.
21. I enjoy quotes. I save all the really good ones in a note on my phone. I even make it a point to update the quote in my email signature, too. Currently it is "No matter the accomplishments you make, somebody helps you."-Althea Gibson
22. I am the youngest of 5. But, at times, I feel burdened by being the most "accomplished" child.
23. I wish I had a wicked British accent. At work, when I'm bored, I practice.
24. The number one place on my travel list is Greece. Then Cairo.
25. Sometimes I purposely don't immediately respond to texts and calls. We should all learn to respect other's time and remember what is was like when everyone wasn't so accessible.
26. I am pretty random at times. But I often drop gems of wisdom. (that comes from all that extra thinking :)
27. The Boondocks had it right: Chicks really do like smiley faces =)
28. I enjoy(or would enjoy if I had one) catering to my man. No, not everyone deserves it. No, I will not bow at your feet. Yes, I will make your plates and serve you. Yes, all the things you need to be comfortable in my home will be there. Yes, you can watch the game in peace. When I ask what you did today, I am not trying to catch you out there, I am really interested in how your day went.
29. Sometimes, I just want be in a man's space. We don't need to have special plans or be hooking up. Being together is enough.
30. I have an alter ego that wears her fitted real low or tipped atop her head. She’s a real jordans and jeans kinda girl, talks real slick, drives real fast, and lights the fire in me. She walks to a beat that no one else can hear. She is smart, respected, admired, and often emulated. She has a quiet confidence that people notice and commands attention. She is the light you see in my eyes, the pep in my step, and the driving force in my actions. She is Sassy McSassington. (YEAH, I got that name from someone else, but its oh so perfect, so I stole it!)
31. Number 31 was intentionally left blank.
32. No, it's not you, it's me. But that's still annoying, so could ya knock it off?
33. I don't understand society/government's need to categorize and label things-ethnicity, religious/political affiliation, age, gender, occupation, intended major, salary etc. I am more than check boxes can define and feel that when given a label, we (ourselves) give them (the man and 'em) the tools to judge us. More often than not, you begin to limit yourself to how others define you.
34. I voted for the first time this November. I voted for Obama.
35. In light of recent domestic beatdowns in the R&B world, I feel obligated to share my stance on men and women putting hands on each other... 1. Fellas-I do not feel that, under any circumstance, you should put your hands on a woman. If I have boys, I will raise them to understand their strength and power. I will teach them to protect themselves and to know when to walk away, or call one of their girl cousins (ha! Just jokes) 2. Ladies- If your sass is on level 10, and you get besides yourself and mush the manhood out of a dude, don't be surprised if he shakes the drool out your mouth! I have personally witnessed a female thinking a dude would let it slide if she punched him in the head. I also witnessed that same dude haul off and smack the color out of her face. No, it wasn't funny. That was my homegirl, but because I have SEENT it with my own eyes, pointing really annoyingly close to a dude's face is the closest I will get to putting my hands on a dude.
36. I don't like listening to unfamiliar music at high volumes. It makes me edgy. I need the chance to listen and appreciate the song for its musicality and lyrics.
37. KNOWsy people get it too.
38. I am inspired by anyone I know or meet actively going after their dreams. It takes much tenacity, hard work, and humility to do great things. So if I know you, or meet you, and respect your hustle-music, dance, writing, acting, entreprenuer, whatever- I will support in any way I can.
39. I am an indentured servant.
40. I sleep with the window cracked all year, whether heat or AC. It may be a mental thing, but I don't sleep well if it is not open.
41. Snack drawers at other people's houses are ALWAYS better than your own. Always.
42. Speaking of snacks and hook-ups-hood people put some of the weirdest stuff together-tuna & ramen noodles, ketchup/hot sauce & potato chips, bologna & heat, potato chips &/or ice cream/cookies, peanuts & cola, beef patties & cheese etc. Some of that stuff be ROCKIN!
43. Speaking of hood people- what is with minorities and condiments?? And modifying the menu?? "Can I get a chicken sandwich wit big mac sauce?" "Lemme get 50 packs of ketchup/hot sauce/duck sauce?" "Can I get those fried hard?"
44. Speaking of condiments-what part of the game is mickey d's and BK charging for extra? When I don't ask for ketchup you give me 50 leven of 'em. When I request sweet & sour sauce for my chicken sandwich, I have to pay for it? I don't get it.
45. No, Mr. Crackhead, I don't have three dimes. I will, however, get you something to eat if that's where that three dimes would have gotten you.
46. Not having a home to go to during my first year of college affected me in ways that I am just beginning to understand. Their divorce was for the best, but my sister and I caught the jack on that one.
47. I am intrigued/fascinated by street life. No, I don't plan to become a skripper or date a drug dealer (ok, I admit that I thought about the whole drug dealer thing but ruled it out when I weighed the cons AND cons. It would have been a purely financial come up) But if the people who ran the streets put as much effort into something positive, they could be respectable businessmen and women.
48. Since when did it become commonplace to ask someone how many children they had? Or even better-do you have children? I mean really. This dude asked me “how many kids you got?” I chuckled at him and said “errr, none”. He laughed like that was unusual. Maybe because he had 5. {shrug}
49. IM SO NEW JERSEY. So, no matter where I am in the world, the following will always be familiar: -club music!!!! -chicken shacks/Ferraro’s in Plainfield -Parkway, Turnpike, Rt 22, and Rt 1&9
50. I purposely use grammatically incorrect words or phrases for emphasis.
51. I have this love/hate relationship with going to the gym…right now, we are beefing.
52. Reality TV is so addictive. Love it.
53. I changed my major in college because I failed anatomy & physiology. twice.
54. If you're gonna pray, don't worry; if you're gonna worry, don't pray.
55. I drove without a radio in my car from July 2007 until October 2008. One late night in Newark( DONT ASK!) some IDIOT broke into my car and stole my radio face. Yes, just the face. Jerk broke my driver's side window too.
56. I have worked two jobs since I was 16.
57. I have been officially fired from two jobs. That was two of the saddest periods in my life.
58. My hair has been natural since 2004. I will probably never perm again.
59. I stopped eating pork in '01. I'm taking itsy-bitsy baby steps, but beef is on its way out too.
60. I, think, I, overuse, commas.
61. I often wonder why the word IRREGARDLESS exists. Think about it...
62. Dear Mother Nature, I was born in November. The 9th to be exact. Me and the heat are not cool. <-------pun intended
63. Enjoys social research, which is why I ask some of the most random questions in my statuses. I like to know other people's perspective on things.
64. I will keep adding random thoughts until I break 100. and then I'll just keep going.
65. I started taken pictures of myself because I would hate for, when I get older, to not have any memories of my youth.
66. I don't want to get old. I know I can't help it or stop it from happening, but I would like to stop aging at 36. Give or take 4 years.
67. I have "Who does that?"/"Who says that?" moments all the time. I think it's because my friends are a bunch of crazies...
68. Your dreams and God's purpose for your life, should be one and the same. Stop fighting for things that are not meant for you...
69. When was the last time you assessed the people in your life? I'm not trying to get people to cut off all their friends and make new ones but sometimes the nonsense you are involved in is a direct relation to who you are involved with...I'm just saying...
70. I have two major fears. No, I'm not telling.
71. Oprah just bought the entire country a two-piece dinner from KFC...smh, please refer to #67
72. I have been saved and joined a church. While I am not yet fully versed in the Bible, I know two things: 1) Prayer works and 2) My God can never lose.
73. I HAD a potty mouth. Operative word-HAD. I know far too many words to use ones that make you cringe. I'm not saying I don't slip, but I'm definitely working on it.
74. What is everyone's fascination and adoration with the club? I don't get it: You go to the mall and spend money that you probably don't have on an outfit that you really don't like to drink drinks that don't taste good to be lose control of your faculties to converse with cornballs about nothingness and dance to THEE wackest music. And then you go home. Or at least that is my take on it :l
75. Being able to nod and smile is a skill we should ALL embrace because speaking out true thoughts would be counterproductive.
76. The internet is the greatest place on earth.
77. If you don't change directions, then you might end up where you're going-Taoism<--------The most recent quote to make me go hmmmmmmmmm
78. Twitter and facebook are something like the devil...I'm just sayin...
79. My Daddy taught me that "Your word is your bond." I truly believe this because "actions can't speak louder than words" if no words are spoken. If I say something, then my actions will be congruent with that. So words, to me, are a predictor to your actions.
80. Fellas, skinny jeans are not a go! So, stop it.
81. Ladies, be honest with yourself when getting dressed. You KNOW that didn't look good BEFORE you left the house...
82. Contrary to popular belief, it's still tricking EVEN if you have it. Ex-T-Pain's BIG A** CHAIN
83. I want to further discuss this chain: Just because you can afford to do something, does that make it okay? That chain could have sent 4 children to Ivy League schools or 10 children to local colleges and universities. There are families who live on less then 25, 000 a year and to spend $410,000 on a chain that is ignorant and classless is just silly, reckless, and wasteful. These are the kinds of things that make the others look at us like this ---> :/
84. Yes, our President is Black. That is not a pass for you to forget that work-in your home, life, family , community-needs to be done. Wait, did you even vote?
85. Read a book. You might learn something.
86. My Mom used to tell me that if I kept eating sunflower seeds one would grow in my stomach. She said the samething about swallowing watermelon seeds. I used to have the most irrational fear about this. Thanks Mom!
87. I like my bananas just past green and will not eat them with brown on the peel. And I won't eat it if I have to touch it with my hands. I hate having stuff on my hands...
88. Why do people talk to you when you're A) on the phone 2) reading and Q) sleeping? Setup for failure if you ask me...
89. They (whoever that is) say that people can learn one of two ways 1) aurally or 2) visually. I am definitely a visual learner. I REAALLLLY have to focus to ignore all the visual stimuli if I'm supposed to be listening to something. This is also known as ADD. HA!
90. An ellipsis (...) is used to indicate a pause in speech, an unfinished thought or, at the end of a sentence, a trailing off into silence. Ellipses have THREE dots. Not two, four, or seven. Thank You.
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